In case you haven't caught on or if you don't know...
Sarah is going to be a big sister...
Sarah is going to be a big sister...
This is Hannah Rose. It took awhile for me to come up with her second name. Sarah's is Sarah Elizabeth, in case some of you didn't know that.
So, in my journey of searching for a second name I told JP "Can't I just name her Hannah Kick-Ass Maltes." He said he didn't think some people would receive that well. If you know me I said "so." Then I said "It wouldn't be fair to Sarah. She'd ask why she didn't have a cool name like that."
Although I'm unofficially naming Sarah either Sarah Feisty Maltes or Sarah Fireball Maltes. I might go with Feisty because that's the first thing someone said about her when she was born. It wasn't "she's a girl," it was "she's feisty!"
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