Sarah and Daddy at the Beach

I love these two. So much.  I just absolutely melt watching them together.  The way Sarah smiles and screams in excitement when he walks through the door from work.  The way JP is just as excited and yells "SARAH BEAR!"

I think one of the things that JP loves about fatherhood besides this little girl's smile, is having her experience new things and being the one there and introducing them to her.  I wouldn't ever want to take that away from him as her dad.  At the beach, she felt her first wave touch her feet.  And even though the sand sinking from underneath her as the wave pulled back freaked her out, he was right there finding ways to get her used to the experience.

Same thing with the 4th of July and the fireworks show.  The lights went out it was dark.  There was a loud noise with this huge firework that looked like it was coming at us (we had a really good spot).  She grabbed on tight to me and started to say "no-no-no."  Daddy put his arms around us and had one hand covering her ear.  Shortly after she eased up, took of his hand from her ears and was pointing at the fireworks and talking to it.
