I arrived home with the girl after picking up Sarah's new bed sheets (4th of July sale). Immediately she yells "Daddy." Like a Marco Polo game you hear JP say "Baby," and the hunt for Daddy starts. Sarah ran to her room to find Daddy building something in her room. So what does Sarah do? Plops herself either on daddy or next to daddy.
The top left picture is Sarah holding the hardware for her bed. The photo on the bottom left is classic.
From the kitchen I hear a battle. JP tells her "Sarah I need it." Sarah responds, "No, I Need!" You hear JP chuckle and go back and forth with her a few more times and each time "No, I need!"
JP and I got the mattress on her bed when he finished in which she started loading her bed with her baby, blue cat, blanky, unicorn that lights up, huge frog seat, and princess pillow. Problem was we didn't cover her bed with bedsheets yet.
Sarah was very excited to sleep in her big girl bed. She's been ready for it, but we've held off. We're slightly disappointed she didn't go through all the stages of her convertible bed, but hey, sometimes you gotta follow the kids lead. When they're ready, they're ready.
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